
General Information

HVCCC Committee (as at 2024.08)
Richard MoorePresident
Liz WardSecretary
Murray ButlerTreasurer
David LindseyClub Captain
Graehame SavageVice Club Captain
Jan KaluzaWebmaster & Editor
Sheryl NolanSocial Convenor
Phyllipa FraserCommittee
Chris HanesCommittee
Nevin PowellCommittee
Chris JonesCommittee
Trevor CoxCommittee
Judy CoxCommittee
- also supported by - - extra roles -
Peter BoysTrailer Custodian
Jan ChalklenMerchandise Caretaker
Bob ChalklenEquipment & Maintenance

Our Club enjoys the fortune of having Tom Andrews of the »Classics Museum as our Club Patron. Thank you.

Club Nights
You are welcome to come to our Club Nights, held from 7:00pm every First Sunday of the Month (except January) at Classics Museum 11 Railside Place, Hamilton.

At these Club Nights you can enjoy our friendly company. The evenings are informal with a cuppa and a chat, guest speakers, photos and contact with other club members.

It is the best place for prospective members to come and learn more about our Club and all our activities.

Monthly Runs
The Club holds Monthly Runs, organised to visit various interesting places with a bunch of friendly people, driving our cars, often along roads not normally travelled. We enjoy picnics, BBQ's, conversation and lots of lighthearted fun.

Membership of our Club is by invitation only and must be approved by the committee whose decision is final. Once approved, there is a one-time $15 joining fee on top of the annual membership subscription.

Subscriptions run from 01 June until 31 May the next year. The cost is just $50 per family. The renewal form is available at the meetings and in our newsletter at the appropriate time of year.

The Club's bank account is 03-0314-0206319-00. Please always put your surname and initials in 'particulars' and what the payment is for in 'reference', so we can tell what it was for.
Example: Particulars [Simons K.L.] Reference [merchandise]

kollector Kollector:
Please send in your contributions to the editor by the 10th of the month for the next issue of our Club newsletter 'Kollector'.

Contacting the Club
To contact the Club, please use the Сontасt Form or write to us:
Hamilton Vintage & Classic Car Club Inc.
PO Box 5790
Hamilton 3242

fomc We are a proud member of the NZ Federation of Motoring Clubs Inc. »FomC